July 29, 2007

HI GRANDMA !! ~ July 29, 2007

Abby's Grandma & Grandpa are traveling in Alaska for the next few months. We got a postcard in the mail from them yesterday. Here is Abby reading her postcard (and brushing her teeth...can you say multi-tasking?)

AND THEN....we were JUST about to get in the bath tub tonight when the PHONE RANG!! It was grandma calling from Alaska!!! Abby got to talk to her a little bit, but then accidentally hung up the phone when pushing too many buttons. Oooops.

Oooops. Sorry Grandma. Where did you go?!?

My Friends Jack & Charlie - July 28

Abby's friends Jack & Charlie live across the street.

Jack is 4 and Charlie is 3 months younger than Abby.

They have so much fun playing together. Yesterday they came over and they all played with toy cars, and with the wild plums & pears that are falling off of the trees. May not sound like much fun to grown ups...but this crew had a BLAST!

COLORS! 7-29-07

Abby has a giant coloring book that we take out from time to time. I think the crayons spend more time in her mouth than on the paper...but whatever!

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun! ~ July 2007

Abby helping me fold laundry.
She had a LOT of fun, but was not actually all that very helpful. Oh well!

A few more random July photos. (Admitedly nothing thrilling, but Joe bought me a new camera for my birthday, which I love, so I've been taking a ton of pictures lately! Plus my mom is traveling so I know she wants to see lots of photos!)

Walking around the house singing songs.

Sitting in dad's chair watching the Wiggles.

Playing with the Elmo sprinkler on a hot day!!
Another fun way to cool off is splashing in Millie's water bucket.

Abby got a new swimsuit (a la Target clearance rack) and it came with a grass skirt!

How ridiculously funny!

Very busy playing outside.

So cool.

Kleenex disaster.

SUCH a sweet little face. (even when it is messy!)


Hanging out with Dad

Abby super loves Joe lately...I can't say that I'm not a little jealous...but these days it appears dad is the fun one, and mom is the workhorse.
Joe & Abby cruising the neighborhood.

Joe and Abby having a snuggle pit.

Goofy Girl - July 10

Abby has begun to do the funniest little thing. She will squeeze her hands really really tight and grit her teeth and kind of shake like she is squeezing SO VERY hard.

It is SO weird, but then we all laugh and she does it again...and again...and again.

It's also kind of hard to capture on film.

Cousin Andy's Wedding - 07/07/07

Joe's cousin Andy got married on the 7th. That morning Abby was helping pick out which barettes would look best in her hair. I think she decided ALL of them would look good. This girl loves to accessorize.

The church that the wedding was in was very very very hot, so Abby and I snuck out and had a little picnic in the shade outside.