February 9, 2009

Ice Princess - Feb 8, 2009

We took to the ice to see what luck would bring our way.

Abby helping Joe run the auger.

The fine art of bucket-sitting

A teeny little crappie came up to see us first.
Ice Princesses

"IT'S A MONSTER!" says Abby.
"Nope," says Joe, "It's a slimerocket!"
"Oh cool! Slimerocket!" says Abby.
Abby was SO pleased with her catch she hugged it and hugged it and hugged it.
She was covered in stinky northern slime, but she was also coated in glory!

February 2, 2009

Junior Assistant - Feb 1

Sunday morning I witnessed my darling daughter cleaning doggie nose-prints off of the deck door. She could be heard muttering..."Naughty Dog Millie. No kissing window."

Oh Help, Oh No, It's a Gruffalo! - Jan 31 2009

Abby's Grandma treated her (& me & cousin Kayla) to a performance of The Gruffalo at the Children's Theater. Fabulous fun!

She laughed.

She cried (when the gruffalo came running into the audience right by us).

She wanted to see it again.

Grandma, Abby & Kayla on their way into the theater.

Abby picked out her dress & fancy blck shoes for the performance.
Abby & Grandma right before the start of the show.

Should See the Other Guy ~ Jan 29 2009

Abby took a header on her way up the stairs the other night. Socks & carpet collided and her chin took the brunt of it. It is a red raspberry of a rug burn that is going to take a few weeks to heal.

My witty husband has coached Abby so that when asked, "Abby, what happened to your chin?"

She responds, "You should see other guy!"
