July 25, 2009

Hope: 4 months old - July 24

Rice cereal - July 21

Hope's first attempt at rice cereal...

Not so much a fan.

July 7, 2009

July 4, 2009

Fourth of July is my favorite holiday...and I love living in a town that celebrates it with great pizzazz!

Abby & Hope & I pre-parade.

Abby at the parade...enjoying a cool glass of lemonade.Hope at the parade.The color guard.Abby wearing the sticker mask she got from one of the floats.Hope chose a nap over the parade.Later in the day we went pontooning & swimming.
Abby & Haley exploring at The Point.Abby & Emma wading in the water.Emma & Hope & I on the boat.Happy Little Hope on the boat.Some of our neighbors had some super fun water toys at their houses.
Abby on Charlie's waterslide.Evan & Jack in the pool.All the kiddos taking a breather before heading out for fireworks.
We took a Wizar of Oz break.
Out on the pontoon for fireworks.
Abby & Emma with Carrie & Chad.Ooooooh! Aaaaaaah!
Hope slept through all the fireworks!