April 25, 2009

Hope: 1 month ~ Apr 24

Hope was one month old on Apr 24

Floating Happy Hour - Apr 23

Happy Hour on Forest Lake...

we took the pontoon out for a spin...and met up with our friendly neighbors doing the same.

Hope was actually awake this time. She seemed pretty happy.
Millie came along...she seemed happy.
Joe was fishing...he was happy.

Abby was playing in the minnow bucket...she was happy.
Me?? I was happy too! See?
That makes it a happy hour...all around!

BONUS SHOT: I call this one "Sun's out...guns out."

Fishing Buddies - Apr 23

Below photo is where you can find Abby most days: two steps behind Joe. Tagging along and talking non-stop. "Daddy, why do the minnows breathe water? Why does a bobber float? Do fish have daddies? Why can't we touch the fishy's eye?"

They are the best of friends, and they share a common love of fishing.

Baby's first fishing hat.

Surprising Daddy: Apr 22

With a budget of five dollars, and a heart full of good intentions, we decided to make daddy's birthday extra festive! Off to the crappy dollar store we went to get birthday decorations! We found an aisle full of cheapie decor...and loaded up on Cat in the Hat trinkets! Banners, whistles, hats...you name it!

Upon our return home, we started off on making a cake.
Here are the festive party hats!

And the completed cake.

Millie wore a hat tooo...but was pretty angry about it...no photos taken.

April 17, 2009

Bath for Two - Apr 15

Hope's first time in a tub...
Abby volunteered to get in to help her.
She looks a little unimpressed, no?

Easter: Apr 10 & 12

Abby did a fabulous job dipping her eggs this year. No major toxic spills!
Showing off the completed product.

The Easter Bunny came...he brought candy & a new movie.

Hope must have been reflecting on the true spirit of Easter.

The Easter Bunny brought booties & a bib & a new onesie.

Crappies! (plus slimerocket) ~ Apr 10 & 16

It's that time of year again!
Spring arrives...and as the
ice disappears, the fishies return.
The trusty Barbie pole has been hard at work.

Everyone gets a little bit hyped up during the big crappie bite.
Neighbors John & Jack were slaying em too.

Abby also caught another slimerocket (a/k/a Northern).

April 15, 2009

Baby's First Boat Ride: Apr 14

I am very obviously a "second-timer"...we embarked on a very important voyage.....Hope's first pontoon ride without me bringing along my camera! (bad mommy!) So compliments of my cell phone...this is the only photo of Hope's first sail.

April 4, 2009

Bathing Beauty - Apr 4

Hope was getting a sponge bath on the counter and spotted a pretty baby looking back at herself in the mirror.
Who is that beautiful girl??

Sleeping Beauty Apr 4

I forgot...babies really do just sleep a lot.

Here is Hope snoozing.

Too many pics...the flash woke her up.

I'm a Cowgirl! - April 4

Saturday morning we recieved a very very exciting invitation...

Would Abby like to ride horseys??
Abby was beside herself with excitement, and immediately ran upstairs to her dressup bin to put on her turquoise sequined cowboy hat... "I'm a cowgirl!" she said again & again.
Abby LOVES horseys and was SO thrilled to get the chance to ride one! We are so lucky to have such thoughtful friends that were willing to include Abby on this fun day.

This horseys name is Scotty...and Abby kept patting him on the side and saying:
"Giddyup Cotty!!"

This was also actually JOE'S first time on a horsey too.
He was less enthusiastic about the experience.
(And he did not put on a turquoise sequined cowboy hat.)

After the horsey action, Abby also got to go on a four-wheeler ride with her friend Tyler.

April 2, 2009

Eyes - Mar 31 & Apr 1

Per request....some photos with open eyes.

Momma I'm Coming Home: Mar 27-30

Hope & I got the green light from the docs to head for home...we packed up our things and hit the road.
Hope paused for a quick pic with her friend Dr. Magnusson.
Auntie Carrie & Hope
Millie meeting her newest sister upon our arrival at home.
(she's smacking her lips...a little unsettling, no??)
Abby was so eager to help out and wanted to hold her sister.
And hug her sister.
And kiss her sister.
Abby being a helper.

Hope checking out her old pops.

Abby & Hope

Joe with his two little girls.

Hope taking her first bath at home.Millie snuggling her sister.