June 24, 2009

Hope: 3 months June 24

The newest installment of the Hope of the Month Club.

June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day: June 21

Abby & Hope took Joe to a Twins game for Father's Day.

We made a "circle me Bert" sign.Hope even put on her rally cap...but no luck the Twins lost.

Two hits the whole game...ugh!
On a positive note...Abby had her very first Dome Dog!

Redneck First Aid: June 17

Abby fell off a chair in the living room and bonked her lip. She walked into the kitchemn, opened the fridge, and grabbed a cold beer can to hold on to the sore lip.

For real.

Joe & I just looked at each other accusatorily.

June 16, 2009

Cabin: June 11-13

We had a great long weekend up at the cabin...
There were lots of nature walks:
Joe & Emma & Abby found a deer's jawbone.

The Nature Walk Guide...daddy a/k/a/ Uncle Joe

Abby & Emma off for a nature walk

Me with Abby & Emma

Out on the pontoon with Abby & Hope

At the sandbar

Joe driving the boat with two co-pilots

Joe & Hope

The kids swimming in the kiddie pool

Abby lounging in the sun

Abby & Grandma

Abby & Emma

A Campfire

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Emma, Abby & Evan at the campfire

Evan with Uncle Joe

Emma & Abby

Making s'mores with grandma

Mirror, Mirror On the Wall - June 7

We have found that Hope LOVES to look at herself in the mirror.
She smiles.
And laughs.
And talks.
And squeals with delight!

Scary the Clown - June 5

It was circus week at Abby's daycare...and one day she came home with her face painted like a clown.
It was actually a bit scary!! I think it was the eyebrows!