April 4, 2009

I'm a Cowgirl! - April 4

Saturday morning we recieved a very very exciting invitation...

Would Abby like to ride horseys??
Abby was beside herself with excitement, and immediately ran upstairs to her dressup bin to put on her turquoise sequined cowboy hat... "I'm a cowgirl!" she said again & again.
Abby LOVES horseys and was SO thrilled to get the chance to ride one! We are so lucky to have such thoughtful friends that were willing to include Abby on this fun day.

This horseys name is Scotty...and Abby kept patting him on the side and saying:
"Giddyup Cotty!!"

This was also actually JOE'S first time on a horsey too.
He was less enthusiastic about the experience.
(And he did not put on a turquoise sequined cowboy hat.)

After the horsey action, Abby also got to go on a four-wheeler ride with her friend Tyler.

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