February 23, 2008

This place is a zoo! FEB 23

Abby & I took a trip to the MN Zoo this morning. We had a blast!
Here we are riding the monorail...which according to Abby says, "Choo choo."
P.S. Also according to Abby buffalo say, "Moo."
We spent a fair portion of time in Discovery Bay today. Abby really liked the great white shark...and she LOVED the dolphins. The zoo actually just acquired two new dolphins and they are still getting them used to their new environment and training them to eventually be a part of the dolphin shows. The dolphins were all actually spending most of their time out-of-sight today in the back tank...so it would often be several minutes between sightings. Abby didn't seem to mind at all. She would sit & wait & wait & wait. And then when a dolphin did swim into view she would let out such a surprised exclamation of delight and point and laugh and smile...and then he would disappear again....and she would start over. Sitting. And waiting.

We also spent some time splashing in the tide pool. Each time the giant WHOOOOOSH of water would go off, Abby laughed and clapped.

We spent some time in the Kid's Den.

Abby played Zoo Vet with a tiger.
She checked his temperature.

She looked in his eyes.
She listened to his heart beat.And then gave him some medicine.
Her diagnosis was spring fever...I think we all have a slight case.

Abby also stopped be the Lego table to contribute her architectural stylings.

On the Tropics Trail.

Misunderstood Artist: Feb 23

God Bless the inventor of Color Wonder.

Mini Mamma: Feb 21

Abby likes to tuck her baby dolls in under blankies and pretend they are sleeping.
She points her finger to her lips and says, "Shhhhh. Babies nigh nigh!"

Cool New Gear: Feb 21

Compliments of the Target bargain bins Abby is sporting a sweet new Elmo Backpack. What a cool kid!

Vrrrrrooooooom Vrrrrrooooooom! Feb 19

Joe & Abby both love being outside. ALWAYS. even when it's cold...and you could be inside with a good book. Nope....it's outside for them!

They like going for rides on toys. Here they are on the sbnowmobile.

Our Little Valentine - Feb 14

New additions to the art gallery:

The kids at daycare exchanged valentines. Abby brought her "bagfull of love" home at the end of the day and looked through all the cute notes...and the CANDY!

Fancy Ladies -Feb 9

Abby got a "manicure" by one of the ladies at daycare. She was very very fancy looking!

Millie also received some pampering. She got a bath and a comb out at the doggie spa (to hopefully curb some of the shedding) along with a manicure & pedicure. They put a beautiful heart bandana on her when they were all done.

February 3, 2008

Ice Fishing - Feb 2

Abby had been feeling very "cooped up" so we spent some time out on the lake in the fish house.

Arriving at the "galmorous" shanty.
Did not take long to meet success!
Abby helped reel it in on the Barbie pole.

Abby & Millie were both very curious about the hole....they both hovered over it looking to see where all these fish were coming from.