December 7, 2008

Ho Ho Ho - Dec 6, 2008

It's that time of year again...jolly old Saint Nick!

We have been talking about Santa for the last few weeks and invoking his name as a reminder for Abby to try her best to be a good girl.

Saturday we went to see him. Abby walked up, gave him a hug and announced that she was a GOOD girl. Santa asked her what she would like for Christmas...she told him a Princess Toy.

December 2, 2008

Popcorn Posse - Nov 30

Abby has inherited several of her dad's traits. His passion for teasing people, his pretty blue eyes, his slightly less than attractive toes...and a powerful preference for POPCORN!

Here Abby, Joe, & Millie are sharing a giant bowl of popcorn.

Abby is working on improving the "shovel method" of cramming an entire handful of popcorn into her mouth at once.

We LOVE popcorn!

MORE popcorn!!!

Here Abby is on a solo popcorn mission.

Vid Kids - Nov 29

We went over to Evan & Emma's house to play on Saturday.

Evan has adopted his dad's old Sega Genesis and was demonstrating his gaming prowess to his little cousin Abby.

Gobble Gobble! - Nov 27

Happy Thanksgiving!
Me, Abby, & Mom.

'NASTICS! - Nov 26

Abby has begun taking gymnastics classes...and she LOVES them.

Gymnastics, or NASTICS! as Abby calls them, are a great way to burn off some energy now that the weather has turned colder.

Imagine a dozen 2 and 3 year olds all bouncing off the walls for an hour each Wednesday. It's pretty nuts-o! Abby does her best to listen to her teacher and learn the new routines each week...but I am begining to suspect that she really just looks forward to the part of the night when they blow up the big inflatable bouncer.

Here Abby is about to perform a forward roll...a/k/a a sommersault.

And here she is modeling her pink leotard at home.

Fall Fun - Nov 1

Uncle Jon was here visiting for a few days from te remind him of the joys of life in Minnesota, we let him help us with raking leaves.

Here Abby & Uncle Jon take a break for some fun.