May 30, 2009

Abby is THREE - May 25

On Abby's actual birthday we had a lot of fun doing things of her choosing. We went to the park near our house and spent lots of time playing outside. We went to Burger King for lunch, which is her favorite place because they have a playland. Now that she is THREE she has decided she can climb up that burger king playland without any help...and she also decided she can pump her legs while swigning...but then as her little legs got tired, she announced she might not be able to pump on the swing until she is FOUR.

At dinner we had a JUMBO cupcake with three candles for Abby.

Hope: Two Months Old - May 24

Hope is 2 months old and doing great!
Newest stats:
10 lbs 8.5 oz
22.25 inches

60 years - May 23

Joe's grandparents celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary last week. There was a party to celebrate. Abby practiced saying" Happy Annie-versary" all day so she would get it right when she saw Grandpa Charlie & Grandma D as she calls them.

Here are Charlie & Dolores with their great-grandkids:
Emma, Abby, Hope & Evan.

Abby & Emma

Grandma Kathy with Evan, Abby & Emma

May 20, 2009

Abby's 3rd birthday party - may 17

We had Abby's 3rd bithday party this past weekend and had a super fun day!

She was very spoiled by her relatives and got many excellent gifts.
Her big cousin Evan has outgrown his Leappad game, so he gave it to Abby. She is VERY excited to have a big kid video game! (She calls it her "DS.")
Dinner was cheese hot dogs, mac & cheese & mandarin oranges...Abby's favorite things.
The party theme was is the cake Abby's grandma worked on for many many many hours! (Thanks mom!!)

Abby loved it when everyone was singing happy birthday to her!

And then she blew out the candle!

Hope enjoying her big sister's big day.

Joe & I with Abby and the pinata.
This is Abby's "Crabby Abby Apple Tree" that we planted on her first birthday. It is growing almost as fast as she is!

Happy Birthday Sweet Girl! We love you!

smile! may 14

Nearly as difficult to catch on film as Bigfoot....a baby's early smiles!

She's so sweet!

Rub-a-dub-dub! ~ May 13

Abby helped me give Hope a bath in the kitchen sink. She thought it was HILARIOUS to give a bath in a I showed her photos of HER taking baths in the sink when she was a baby.

This is how Abby smiles for photos these days....CHEEEEEEEESE!

Mother's Day - May 10

Abby & I spent a portion of mother's day at Como Zoo...just the two of us. It was a very nice treat for both of us to have some one-on-one time.

We had so much fun! Abby went on a ton of rides (and I went on the teacups with her...note to self: I am too old to go on spinny around rides...ugh!)

We ended the outing with a corndog...and a smile. Yum!

Fishing with her Best Friend - May 9

Abby has declared that her dad is her very best good are some pics of the two of them fishing together.

Pinky the Leech - May 9

The night before the MN fishing opener, Abby accompanied her dad to the bait shop. They bought leeches and minnows for th next day's outing. Abby became enthralled by the leeches. Joe let her play with one, and Abby decided his name was Pinky. She carried him around all that night. Pinky even took a bath with Abby that night. When bedtime came, she burst into tears when we told her that Pinky could not sleep in her bed with her.

Pinky spent the night in plastic cup full of water int he fridge and the next morning at about 6am Abby came running into our bedroom and asked, "Can I go check on Pinky now??"

Here she is holding her friend.

She tried to take his picture with her Cinderalla "camera phone".

Pinky's life was short...but full of love. Pinky was dead...and flushed down the toilet...just a few hours after these photos were taken.