September 24, 2007

SCORE! -- 9-23-07: Barbie kitchen

Abby & I were out cruising...when up on North Shore the big fancy rich people's houses, what did we spy but a Barbie kitchen set....with a FREE sign...up for grabs!

I felt a little bit strange "dumpster diving"...but I can spot a good score when I see one.

So one spray bottle of Lysol disinfectant later...Abby had a FANTASTIC new plaything...and I had self-justified my decision by determining it was an "Eco-Friendly" choice a la reduce, reuse, recycle.

Another viewpoint on the (rich) man's trash is a little girl's treasure!

1 comment:

Maurey Pierce said...

OMG, I would have had Sooooooo much fun with that when I was little. Toys have gotten so much better!